Space Shuttle Launch. . . . . $20,000 per lb. to orbit
Space Shuttle Orbiter. . . . . . . . . . . . $2,000,000,000
Extra-vehicular Mobility Unit . . . . . . . . $12,800,000

Surviving in the frigid void of space . . . Priceless

Welcome to my website. After two years of interning with the advanced space suit department of Johnson Space Center, I put this site up to share what I learned with the public. It is devoted to the basic (High School level) principals of space suit design and an overview of space suits, past present and future, from around the world. (Well, in this case "around the world" means Russia, America, and old Soviet Union.)

Anyway, the pictures and links below take you around my site, and to other sites on related topics. I hope you learn something.

Arial view of Johnson Space Center

Johnson Space Center (JSC)

Mark III Advanced Space Suit
Advanced Space Suit Design

JSC is the home for manned spaceflight. This means that JSC not only operates all of the astronaut training facilities, but all of NASA's space suit maintainace and design as well. Ever wondered what goes into the design of a space suit? Here you can find out. When we land on Mars, these advanced space suits will be the fashion statement of the millennium.

Russia's Space Suit, the Orlan
World Space Suits

Apollo Era Space Suit
Space Suit Links

While my site has a focus on space suit development, I also have a little information on space suits, past and present, from around the world. These are some of the best Space Suit sites, including official NASA sites. I also have quite a collection of general space program sites from all over the world. If I don't have it, try here.

Summer High School Apprenticeship/Research Program

I first became interested in space suits while in a GREAT program for High School students who live near any NASA center. It's called the Summer High School Apprenticeship/Research Program (SHARP). It allows students to spend 8 weeks in the summer working a full-time paying job while gaining valuable engineering skills before college.

Space Development Web Ring
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Not that I'm counting, but you're visitor number 22493. Thanks!

NASA does NOT sponser or endorse this site and its views are not necessary presented here. Much of the detailed space suit information presented here I gathered directly from offical NASA sites with the understanding that it abides with NASA Guidelines for the use or reproduction of NASA Materials, if you know of any violation, please inform me of it.