Mark III

The MK III (H-1) space suit represents an 8.3psi technology demonstrator model of a zero-prebreathe suit. The basic torso shell, brief, and hip areas of the suit are composed of a graphite/epoxy composite layup. The lower arm and leg/boot areas of the suit are fabric. The suit contains a series of high-mobility joint assemblies in the shoulder, elbow, waist, hip, knee, and ankle areas. The MK III (H-1) suit can incorporate either a 4-bearing joint system or a 2-bearing, rolling convolute joint arrangement that provides multi-axis motion. Single axis, all-fabric flat patterned joint systems are utilized for the elbow, knee, and ankle joints. Advantages of the fabric joint elements in the arm and leg areas of the suit include wearer comfort, less-costly, simpler construction features, and good mobility capabilities. A 3-bearing hip assembly and a single-axis rolling convolute waist joint coupled with a waist bearing provide excellent torso mobility. Sizing accommodations are provided by quick changeout sizing ring elements utilizing a wire cable attachment and interface method. Donning and doffing of the suit is achieved through a vertical rear-entry closure. Due to the structural nature of the torso shell, a portable life support system (i.e., backpack) can be directly mounted or integrated into the basic suit structure. In its present 8.3 psi design configuration, the MK III (H-1)suit weighs 120 lbs. However, since future planetary suits will be designed to operate at 3.75 psi, it is felt that the MK III (H-1) suit re-designed weight can be reduced to 80 lbs. with the incorporation of lightweight structural materials.

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