Gemini Space Suit (G4C)

Dave Clark G4C flight suits were designed for wear by Gemini astronauts. Spacesuit designers followed the U.S. Air Force approach toward greater suit mobility when they began to develop the spacesuit for the two-man Gemini spacecraft. The suit was used for the first American spacewalk on Gemini 4, and on all subsequent flights except the Gemini 7 long-duration mission.

Instead of the fabric-type joints used in the Mercury suit, the Gemini spacesuit had a combination of a pressure bladder and a link-net restraint layer that made the whole suit flexible when pressurized. The gas-tight, man-shaped pressure bladder was made of Neoprene-coated nylon and covered by load-bearing link-net woven from Dacron and Teflon cords. The net layer, being slightly smaller than the pressure bladder, reduced the stiffness of the suit when pressurized and served as a sort of structural shell, much like a tire contained the pressure load of the inner tube in the era before tubeless tires, Improved arm and shoulder mobility resulted from the multi-layer design of the Gemini suit.

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