D-1(David Clark Suit)

The D-1 (S1035X) space suit assembly was developed to provide a functional all-soft suit technology demonstrator prototype model which is to be used for mobility system testing and evaluation. The design of the suit was based on the current S1035 Advanced Crew Escape Suit (ACES) worn by Shuttle crew-members during launch and re-entry phases of flight, but was upgraded with specific mobility enhancements. The design objective for the D-1 suit was for a predominantly "all-soft" (i.e., fabric) suit system which incorporated minimal bearings and could operate at 3.75 psi pressure. The shoulder joint incorporates a cable-assisted, flat-patterned fabric joint system with an upper arm bearing. The upper arm bearings are the only bearings used in the D-1 suit. The waist/hip joint arrangement is similar in nature to the shoulder joint in the use of a flat-patterned fabric element coupled with a cable-assisted system. The elbow, knee, and ankle joints all utilize fabric, flat-patterned joint elements. The suit incorporates a horizontal, mid-body closure ring for donning and doffing. Additional ancillary items that are representative of an extra- vehicular suit configuration would be integrated into the D-1 configuration. The current prototype D-1 suit assembly weighs 26 lbs., exclusive of the ancillary extravehicular items.

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